Christ Church Primary
We're proud to have a close working relationship with our church primary school. We are involved in worship and assemblies, in confirmation preparation for students and staff, and in the governance of the school.
For more information about the school please look at their website.
Camden Philharmonia Orchestra
The Camden Philharmonia Orchestra is a friendly amateur orchestra who rehearse in the church every Thursday night. They perform concerts 4 times a year. Please look at their website for more information.
Esther Randall Court
Esther Randall Court provides independent living flats with support and personal care for adults over 55. They are located next door to the church and the church provides visits, home communions and spiritual care to the residents and staff who request those ministries.
On the 1st Thursday of each month at 11.30am the Esther Randall Court Church Group meets in the onsite prayer and reflection room to read the bible, pray and sing together. All are welcome.
For more information, please visit their website.
Camden Foodbank
We regularly collect and make donations to support the work of Camden Foodbank. To find out how you can hep see their website, or contact the Vicar.
Regent's Place
Over the last year we've developed a close working relationship with British Land and Landlease at Regent's Place. Together we are seeking ways to support those who work on site and raise awareness for a variety of issues and charities.
For more information about what is happening at Regent's Place, please look at their website.
In the Crypt Centre we are able to provide space for a number of support groups to meet. These include Crystal Meth Anonymous, Co-Dependents Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous.
For more information, contact the Vicar.